Our recommendation: QianLi Bumblebee tips

“I want to micro solder, can I buy a 100 euro soldering station?”

The direct answer is yes. Why this question arises? Until now, if you wanted to do good micro-soldering work (for example on iPhone motherboards), you needed a soldering station of at least 350 euros, because of the thickness of the tips.

JBC, for example, uses tips as small as 1mm thick, which makes it perfect for soldering in the smallest places and bridging copper wires up to 0.01 millimetre thick. But we could say that now you need much less, because QianLi has launched new millimetre tips down to 0.2 millimetres that cost around 10 euros each. These can be used in cheap but good quality soldering irons such as the Quick TS 1100 and 236ESD at a cost of around 100 euros.

At 4Phones we have checked if the tips really work, and yes, they do; they are lasting and efficient for your micro soldering jobs, whether you are a beginner or an expert. In other words: we recommend them.

Check out our newest video where we review the QianLi Bumblebee tips! 

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